Video Resumes: Mistakes to Avoid

Your video resume is a brief account of your job experiences, educational background and qualifications.  This is typically submitted to prospective employers in lieu of traditional paper resume.  It is considerably easy to shoot a video.  You can also easily customize the video using a simple video editor.  There are a lot of benefits to using this type of resume.


It allows you to demonstrate your capabilities and it can elicit a strong response from prospective employer.  This is not something that a traditional resume can do.  With a good video resume, you can easily separate yourself from other applicants.  You can demonstrate your communication, interpersonal, creative and technical skills.  However, in order to do this, you need to make sure that you avoid the common mistakes people make when preparing a resume.  Instead here are the things that you should do in order to avoid the mistakes.


1.  Keep your introduction short and sweet.  When preparing your video resume, make sure to add an introduction and closing as well, but make sure you keep them short.  An introduction will help you establish your effort and desire to get the job.  Your introduction should explain who you are and the purpose of the video.


2.  Add an appropriate closing.  Your closing statement should prompt your prospective employer to get in touch with you.  You have to make sure that you add specific steps on how he or she could get in touch with you.


3.  Observe the right attitude.  When recording a video resume, you have to maintain a professional attitude at all times.  You will probably come across videos with people adopting a casual manner.  Usually, these are resumes intended for creative or artistic work.  Through these resumes, the applicants are also able to show their creativity.  Your video should suit the job and the company you’re applying to.  You have to record a resume that will impress your employer.  Do not attempt humor if it is not necessary.  Unfortunately, this is one of the most common mistakes that people make.  They inadvertently come across as unprofessional.


4.  Keep it professional.  Although a video resume will help prospective employees have a good grasp of the kind of character their applicants have, you should make sure to limit personal stories and thoughts.  Do not add unnecessary information and limit personal views.  Avoid narrating about your financial woes.  This is not something that a prospective employer would want to hear.


A video resume can help you land your dream job, but you have to make sure that you avoid the common mistakes that people commit when creating their resume.

Should You Use a Video Resume?

Every person has a dream.  You probably have your own dream job and you probably want to establish your career.  Of course, this is easier said than done.  Everyone has to go through the difficult process of applying for their dream job, but before you apply, you need to prepare a great resume.  Now, with the advancement of technology, more and more people opt to submit a video resume instead.  Many people appreciate the many benefits of using this type of resume.

This type of resume helps job seekers present their abilities beyond the capability of a mere paper resume.  It allows potential employers to see and hear you.  It helps them see how you present yourself.  This is not something a traditional resume can do.  Not surprisingly, this resume is growing in popularity especially because it is considerably easy to transfer information via the Internet.  Many companies are now accepting this kind of application in lieu of paper resumes.  They are being widely accepted for all kinds of professions.  However, objectivity has become a relatively serious issue when it comes to critiquing video resumes.  Therefore, if you would like to submit one to a potential employer, you have to make sure that you create a really great resume.

Recording is not at all difficult.  Often, people will just grab their digital camera or camcorder and shoot a video.  Of course, they need to find a suitable place to do this.  You can present yourself in the best light.  People will respond more to things that they can see or hear.  It is easier to touch people’s emotions this way.  Sometimes when applying for a job, it’s about reaching out to your employer and getting them to believe that you are the right one for the job.  It matters to employers if your personality and attitude will suit the company.  This is something that they will likely gauge from your video.

Through a video resume, you will be able to effectively show your skills.  This is actually perfect for applicants who want to establish themselves as actors, singers or athletes.  Often, employers would like to see how well you perform.  This will actually show your practical experiences.  This is only possible when you submit this type of resume as opposed to a traditional one.  It will also showcase your communication skills effectively.

Sifting through video resumes is incredibly easier than going through voluminous paper resumes.  There is also a lot of information that employers can gather from this type of resume.  You will be able to pack a lot of information in your video no matter how short it is.  You will also be able to elicit visual and auditory response from a potential employer.

These are all the things that this new kind of resume can do for you, but there is one tiny problem – how to create a really great one and how to write the script for that resume.  You can check out online tips on how to do this or you can hire a video resume service to create the video for you.